Planning that integrates income annuities can help alleviate the No. 1 fear of retirees, even in worst-case investment scenarios and when living way beyond your life expectancy.
(Our examples use Go2Income to develop plans, estimate annuity rates and prepare comparisons.)
Some people make retirement seem like so much carefree fun. And ideally it is a time to enjoy yourself, travel, and spoil your children. If we could just forget that Social Security is slipping toward a steep cliff, inflation continues at nearly three times what the Fed says is acceptable, and health care costs are soaring even as we age and are more likely to get sick, while the stock market looks sick, too.
If we could forget about all that, we would never worry about our retirement finances affecting our retirement lifestyle. Running out of money during retirement is the concern that consistently ranks as the No. 1 fear of retirees. (Here is one survey, from, but there are many more.)