When Retirees Question More Retirement Income
If your boss offered you an increase in pay totaling $450,000 from age 40 to retirement at 65, your first reaction would probably be joy, followed by relief knowing that your retirement finances would be in good shape. Then you might ask some questions. Like, what do I have to do to earn that money?
When Go2Income determined that an Income Allocation retirement income plan could produce an Income Boost of as much as $450,000 over a typical Asset Allocation plan, I expected to hear lots of joyful reactions. Instead, the possibility of such an improvement in retirement fortunes raised more questions.
Fair enough. When you count on your retirement savings, together with Social Security, to produce the bulk of your retirement income, it is wise to be careful.

On the other hand, it is smart to consider and investigate new approaches. Some of them might result in a much better retirement. Smart investors have lots of questions about new ideas. I will answer the questions regarding Income Boost in the sections below.